in several of these defense mechanismA, one of them being RATIONALIZATION.
is a process that occurs when a person create logical and socially acceptable
explanation for the behavior o he or she has engage in.
is a teenager who lives in my building, i know him since he is 7 yeras old now
he is 15. I feel bad for his action. He was arrested many time, for gang
fight. All the time you can see him in the hall, outside of the building
or in the park with bad attitude. He smoked marihuana, cigarette, and drink
mother and father try to help him. They bring him to a program and different
school, in one occasion his mom said that he like his life and it is nothing
thayt she can do for his behavior. When you ask him about his behavior he
always gonna love his life because we want to get respect gor his brother who is
in jail and has the same attitude like him. His brother now condened and is
gonna be 10 years in prision, and try to open the eyes for his brother who all
the time sent to him a letter request him his that change his life because he
is on time. But marcos dont want to listen one of the letter that his received
his brother try to let him know that they can be together in jail.
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determinins- the argument that because some event has occurred, its occurrence
must have been inevitable before hand. El chapo Guzman, escape from a maximum
prison, authorities vowed wouldn't be long before cartel chief Sinaloa, behind
bars again. Prision security cameras last recorde image of El Chapo Guzman,
into a shower on Saturdays night, just before he apparently crawled throgh a
hole in the shower area of his cell block at the Altiplano federal prision.
•argument from
incredulity_i cannot imagine how this coul be true, therefore it must be false.
The NASA offer bring people to planet Mars, they argument is that in Mars exist
life, my quetion is how they know that if just they a robot, but no image
capture any person. I thik that they idea is false they doesn't bring evidence
that exist life in planet Mars, and also i think they take person there just to
Assignment VII – Memory Bias
retrospection: I think this run in all person because when you are with your
parent, is the best moment that everybody can have; you don’t have to worry
about nothing. I feel that that my life is good, but I miss a lot my life with
my parent, and would like to never grow up, and be with then the rest of my
life. I also can remember my first job is was very easy, now my job is a little
hard with many training all the time.
effect (self-generation effect) the moment when all my cousin and I was
together and remember how our life was, for example when we going to primary
school, what dress with used when we going to a birthday party, who receive the
best gift in Christmas, who has the best qualification in school or also who
has the most pretty and long hair. But the most important how many year pass
and we are always together.
amnesia: I can remember that all Sunday we are visit my grandmother house, and
when my mother bring me to different place to have a fun to eat friend chicken,
pizza, ice cream, and how I like be all the time seat with my grandmother. At
the moment my family still does the Sunday family except me and my two cousin
we maintain communication and try together call all Sunday.
effect: I think this the most that I had, I like history or public person or
country. All the time I used google to find the information. For example always
I like to google about John f. Kennedy, president and always I forget his day
of born, that is May 29, like me but different year J when I had I
conversation who remember his life all the time I google his day of birth
because I think always we remember when he died.
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Observational Learning
a process in which learning occurs thorough observing and imitating.
ago when I was take a home assistance class, I observe how Mr. Thomas takes
serious when teach the class. He was very strict when he used all he experience
during class, especially when the patient is bind. During his practice and
reader at class and was excellent and help me a lot, for my future. At the time that I have to do my 8 hours for,
New York City Department educational, at a nursing home, I don’t have any
difficult situation with my patient.
day on my class all the time we used a big and heavy doll to practice in bed
and a wheelchair, also we p[practice how help a patient for bath time, how
bring patient from bed to wheelchair with a
machine, and how you help feed the patient.
In all agencies that I apply I always pass my
test and never had any question wrong.
I do my service in a nursing home I got 98, the nurse recognize that I do
excellent job, I’m very thanks full with Mr. Thomas, and My patient for the
opportunity. Ms. Gloria is bind since she born and she was my teacher when I
was with her assistance, I observe how independent she was, more than other
normal person.
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Part I
Content: One night I dreamt that I had a baby boy. The baby was wrapped in a
blanket. The baby was probably 3 months
old. I could see that someone was holding him, but I couldn’t see the face.
While standing in front I could sense that the baby was mine; but what made go
‘’huh?’’ was the image of the baby. He looked like little me and he was smiling
back at me.
dream only lasted about 20 seconds. I felt, but I picked up all of this from this
dream and it was in the back of my mind all day.
Content: Up until today, I think I had this dream because is my wishe to have
another boy and when I was pregnant last time with my little girl this wish became
I was like five o six years old, I remember all my family and some neighbors talk
about dream all the time; especially one of them said dreams occur because your
soul gets out from your body and then comes back.
Part II
agree with psychologists from the cognitive perspective because I think it all depends
on what you believe in J some people hold significance to dreams, while
others don’t.
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In many cases, a pregnant woman or new mom is
made to feel that they no longer have a place within a company, with attitude
towards pregnancy are increasingly hostile’. One of my friends approached her
female manager at a company about her maternity leave; she found herself bargaining
with the director. When she returned to work, her boss informed to her that she
would be entailed to special treatment which amounted that she be posted in a
new job which involved kitchen and cleaning. She refused and her boss explained
to her that this was the only position for her now. This story is increasingly
A report released today by the group working
family revealed a high level of maternity discrimination for the past year.
Despite this very few women take any formal action, according to the most recent
research in 2005 of women who lost they job due to pregnancy discrimination.
This is known as “The Motherhood Penalty”.
Part II
I think that our five senses operate
independently albeit in some cases a dominant one may covertly influence the other
one. Interestingly, two people can look at the same thing and see it
differently. The ability to send and receive from each other thoughts and
feelings come from a spiritual connection beyond ourselves, I think. At this
point in my life, I have experienced that when two people are spiritually close
to each other, they are often able to sense what the other thinks or feels.
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Free will versus Determinism
believe that free will does exist. It exist because everything you do in life
is a choice you can choose to be productive members of society, by working,
paying taxes, obeying the law, having a family, and live a good life is the
sense that you’ll be able to pay your bills, eat and take care of your family.
choose to not be a productive member, to not be a productive member to not work,
to break the law and not be responsible for your family.
outcome of those actions would lead to unhappy and unhealthy lifestyles. Everything
is cause and effect; your actions will lead to the result of how your life ends
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Question of interest: Why do some doctors that
perform pulmonary research still smoke?
The reason is that many people think lung cancer is a result of a personal
choice to smoke cigarettes; however, the vast majority of people who die from
lung cancer quit smoking long before they receive a lung cancer diagnostic.
Definition: EPOC (informally called after burn) is a measurably increased rate
of oxygen intake following activity intended to erase the body oxygen deficit.
In recovery, oxygen (EPOC) is used in the processes that restore the body to
resting state and adapt it to the exercise just performed.
A Survey will be conducted.
Research: Several studios have since found no difference in lung cancer death
rates among smoker who got annual chest x-ray s versus does who did not.
thoughts: Lung cancer needs financial support, for lung cancer research could
be the key to funding the research that discovers a cure.