Katlyn Asencio

 Proposed Experiment

Question of Interest: Does studying immediately before sleeping help retain information better than studying during the day?
Hypothesis: Studying before going to bed significantly improves retention of information.
Operational definition: “Better”, to improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement). What is considered to be studying? We need to specify the times of the day. and we mean by immediately. What kind of information?
Participants: 100 college students between the ages of 18-22.
Experimental Group: 50 students (women/men) will study the materials given to them before they go to sleep. They will be tested the next afternoon.
Control Group: 50 students (women/men) will study the same materials given to the experimental group during various times of day. They will be given the same test the next afternoon.
·        Study before bed
·        Learning best when you rest