Memory Bias
Amnesia is also called infantile amnesia, is the ability of before the age 2-4
years, as well as the period before age 10 of which adults retain fewer
memories than might otherwise be expected give passage time. For example I
really can't remember much about when I was the age 2-4 years old, but my last
baby boy is 34 months, old and everything he was thought at the age of 1 year
old, he remember, the way he talks and the things he say sometimes I wonder if
he is that smart or if is one of my deceased family member reincarnate into
Choice -
Supportive Bias - when recall a past decision, we do sort memories to make the
choice we made appear to be the best that could be made. Thus when we have selected
from set of options, we will attribute more positive and less negative
attributes to the option we have chosen and vice versa for options we rejected
as a result, we feel good about ourselves and our choices and have less regrets
for bad decisions. For example I have refused a marriage proposal from a guy
that had liked me since teenagers going to school and growing up together
and I end up getting three kids for another school mate but he was older than
me. When I came to the US, I went back to my country to marry my kid’s father
so that we could all be together and that was one of my biggest regret. I
rejected who loved me and I marry who I love, and it didn't go well that was
the wrong decision I make but I think it was the right one for me and my kids
and out of that wrong decision it make me realize in life is not who you like
is who like you is turn out to be the right one for you and your decision
Bump is the tendency for older adults to have increased recollection for events
that occurred during their adolescence, and early adulthood it was identified
through the study of autobiographical memory and the subsequent plotting. Of
the age of encoding, of memories to for the life span retrieval curve. For
example my grandmother always talks about in her adulthood she was the best
dressed woman out of five of her female friends and none of them could take the
dance floor better than her. (LOL)
Nature vs Nurture
Two totally different theories, both which are believed to make us who we are.
I choose case
X Mexico drug gang using more children as mule, to analyze it because when I
read it, it was very interesting maybe because I have three boy children
and it would make me more secure to them and extremely wiser in protecting and
caring for them in each and every way you I can.(AP) Tijuana, Mexico - Louis
Alberto is only 14 but has the wizened gaze of a grown-up hardened by life.He
never met his father, worked as a child, was hired by a gang to sell drugs and
then got addicted to them.
yourself, being who you are when you hear those two lines you may think they
mean the same thing. You were born a little baby boy or girl with no idea's or
preferences but as we grow we developed personal identity.
Nature: Luis
Alberto could maybe have born with personality but with no father around to
teach him right, or wrong neither providing his needs.
Nurture: As he
grows, his personality developed based on the influences around the environment
in order to survive, and get what he wants he decided to join the drugs
band and start selling drugs just to support his self not knowing
what he was getting into even though I always think is only a father could
teach a boy child to be a man, parents and siblings play a huge role in
determining personality because everything starts at home.
Observational Learning
Learning is sometimes also referred to as shaping, modeling and vicarious reinforcement.
I am the fifth of seven kids for my parents; my mom would cook three meals every
day, do our laundry, clean our home, and most importantly prepared us for school.
I would be the only one out of the five eldest to be around her watching how
she prepared our meals, and do the other chores that I mention in the
first paragraph as I am watching am trying to observe so I could be that great
mom to my kids as my mom is to us. One mother’s day I woke up and told my mom
to relax I would do the cooking she smiled and say oh no you want to put me in
trouble am not allowing you in front of no stove and you don't know what you
are doing. So I say ok you stay in the kitchen and watch me show you I know
what am doing because I watch you and observe and if I don't test my
observation I would never learn what, and how to do for my kids when my time
comes, so as she gives me the way I stared preparing my ingredients the same
way she does hers she tap me on my shoulder and say we'll my child you was
really overseeing because that is just the way she prepared her meal. I finally
get the chance to experiment my observation and it was very well rewarded
for me because without my mom giving me that one time chance I could
not be the mom I am today to my kids so now that I know to do every little
thing a woman should know where by being a mom, or a house wife I find observational
learning very rewarding and I try to do the best and positive things
around my kids so they could observe the right and wrong doing.
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On March 6,
2000, I had lost eight of my family members in a terrible mini bus accident in Guyana
coming back from a berbice mash celebration that we normally do every year. Since
that tragic day I never felt happy doing anything where by having fun.
Manifest Content
After 3 years I finally dreamed about my family members and the dream was that
one of them told me “I have a secret to tell you.” I smiled and said “What is
the secret?” She replied “You are pregnant and we did not just die
by an accident we were sacrificed.” Tears ran down my cheeks, she wiped them
and say “Bye, don't cry.” I jumped out of my sleep and indeed I was crying. My
mom asked “Why are you crying? Did you have a bad dream?” I said “No, my
family dreamed of me and told me a secret but I can't share the secret.” My
mom said “Oh well it’s just a dream.”
As my mom left the house I went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test and as
I get back home I decided to do the pregnancy test. It came out positive but
I still didn't believe I was going to be a mom. So I asked my mom to take me to
the doctor because I don't like how I was feeling. So she did and as we entered
the doctor's office the doctor asked why we were there so I said was not well.
The first thing he said was that he had to do a pregnancy test, it did came
back positive and I was three months pregnant and the rest is history J.
Cognitive perspective
I remember on that day when my family life was taken away, on a television show
one caller call and say that she had a dream that eleven people die in a
accident coming from berbice, as I watched the show the host reply to her and
say wow that’s a sad dream and the caller hang up after ten to fifteen minutes
later breaking news came on saying there is a tragic accident with a bus
and a truck coming from berbice. The bodies was taken to the hospital , out of
curiosity I leave my home and went to see who was the victims not realizing
every person I saw was deceased and related to me all I did was shake my head that’s
when I realized dream is just not a dream it is realty it can be real
with pain and with happiness I lost my family and someone dreamt it before it happened
and my dream make me a mom I must end it off by saying never question god
he knows best he took away eight family members for his reasons and give
half of them back to me my 4 beautiful kids
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Sensation and Perception
Sensation and perception complement each other to create meanings from what we
experience, yet they are two completely different ways of how we interpret our
What is the
difference between black and white? Well, I see for the color they are different
but for people is the same.
When I was
growing up as a child I would constantly hear black and white people are
different, but as I grew up into a more mature woman I realized it was not true
because we are all god's children, we have the same five sense, skin, and blood
so how are we different from one another because of skin color we are different
because of what we was taught from our early generations.
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Free will vs. Determinism
Free will is the idea that we are able to have some choice in how we act and
assume that we are free to choose our behavior. I could choose whether or not I
should have kids and I choose to have because I think kids are a blessing.
Determinism - I always tell myself I have to work in the health care field as
an LPN, RN or Health care management regardless of what. I started from cashier
to home health aide and the income was very satisfying being a home health aide
more than a cashier and it was fun knowing I can make a difference to help my
patients with the little things they cannot do for themselves. But then again I
remember I promised myself to be something bigger in the health care field and
in order to get there I had to be determined to start college full-time and go
for that two years degree and accomplish my own determination: that I always
wanted in the health care field!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Experimental Proposal
Question of interest: Is smoking Marijuana worse
than smoking cigarettes?
Hypothesis: Marijuana is not worse than smoking
Operational Definition: What do mean by worse? How
do we measure worse? Marijuana contains
more tar than tobacco but at the set time Marijuana smokers generally don't
chain smoke and they also smoke less which makes them at less risk from developing
cancer and heart disease. Cigarettes contain nicotine which will harden the
risk of cancer in cigarette smokers who are addicted.
of interest: Cigarette smokers and
marijuana smokers from 18 and up. Both groups will be compared.
Longitudinal research through case studies will be
Inform consent needed.
Preliminary research:
Inform consent needed.
Preliminary research: