RED HERRING FALLACY: When an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. My husband is an expert at this fallacy and the funny thing is I think he doesn't even know he's doing it. Whenever I ask my husband to clean up after he's made a mess or to pick up the laundry he always changes the subject to something that appeases to me. A perfect example of this occurred two weeks ago when I asked my husband to help me clean up after the kids. He casually began to tell me about his day and how he saw a purse and it reminded him of me... From there we went on to talk about different topics and then next thing you know we went to bed. Lol never fails!
FALSE AUTHORITY FALLACY: Where a non- expert's opinion on a subject is used to to sell a product or an idea. I remember years ago Kim Kardashian use to sponsor a weight loss pill. I remember contemplating on whether to use it or not. I wanted to lose weight so bad and she has a beautiful body that at the time I thought by drinking this pill it would magically make me slim and toned. Luckily my husband and sister spike some sense into and reminded me how these "quick fixes" never work. If you want something you go out and work hard for it. Never mind what the celebrity is trying to sell.
Cryptomnesia: A form of misattribution where a memory is mistaken for imagination. This happened to me two weeks ago. My sister told me an event that happened to her and a few days later when she told the story to our other sister I swore I was there with her.
Google Effect: The tendency to forget information that can be easily found online. This happens to me way to often. I sometimes find myself using this even when I do know something I just have to "double check" to make sure I'm right. It happens to me often with spelling of words, recipes that I've cooked a hundred times but I still google it to make sure I do it right.
Hindsight Bias: The "I knew it all along" effect. A few years ago my sister dated a guy that I wasn't too fond of. I knew it wasn't going to last from the very beginning. It wasn't anything personal but there were certain personal attributes that set off an internal alarm. My sister for one is very responsible and studious. She's always worked hard and is very meticulous with how she likes certain things. He on the other hand was lazy, didn't like to work or go to school and had an excuse or sob story about everything bad that went on in his life. I told my sister that she was going to get tired of him and to open her eyes but as they say "love is blind." Luckily my sisters hazy vision disappeared and she saw him for what he was. She let him down easy and moved on. Months after this I happily told her "I knew it, I told you he wasn't the one." I loved doing that!
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Development: Nature VS Nurture
Development: Nature VS Nurture
Nature: refers to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are – from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics
Nurture: refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture.
Can someone's life experiences as a child make that person a killer? Or is that person wired that way? Have something inside them just snap and make them do something so wrong we just lock them away and throw away the key without learning about why or even how someone so young can think of such horrendous things! Take Tiana Browne for example. A 15 year old girl who killed her 16 year old cousin Shannon Braithwaite. Browne stabbed her cousin 49 times with a kitchen knife. Browne had lived with her cousin for two days after running away. She was a rape victim who was raped repeatedly over time by a classmate. It is also said that Browne had suffered a psychotic meltdown after she discovered her grandmother's boyfriend had fathered her after he raped Browne's mother.
I believe that somehow Browne killed her cousin because of jealousy. But I don't believe she killed her cousin for material things like the prosecutor insinuated. Browne did steal her cousins sneakers and electronics after the murder took place but I believe that it was much deeper. I'm sure Browne saw her cousin who was a happy, smart outgoing girl who hadn't gone through half of what Browne was exposed to. She unknowingly killed her cousin because of the "perfect life" Browne was robbed of. Her nurturing as a child was to feel pain and why not inflict this pain on someone else. Had she received help before this, learned to be compassionate this sad crime probably would've never taken place.
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Operant Conditioning
I must've been 6 or 7 years old when my aunt and uncle took me to the
beach. I remember feeling so excited because it was the first time my mother
let me go anywhere without her. My mother was very protective and didn't let my
sister nor do I go anywhere if she wasn't there. I remember getting to the
beach and loving the sand. I went into the water with my cousin and we were
playing by the shore. We weren't even knees deep, my cousin then told me lets
go eat something. I agreed and followed her. I remember becoming distracted and
somehow lost my sense of direction. I couldn't find my cousin anywhere and just
began walking to where I thought the shore was. I ended up walking deeper into
the water until my body was totally submerged in the water. I remember wanting
my mommy and wanting to breathe. I remember telling myself not to breathe. Out
of nowhere I saw legs and hugged them. A man pulled me out of the water and
screamed, "Es una niña!" A crowd formed around him and I was passed
from person to person until they took me to the lifeguard. She was a blonde
pretty woman and carried me all over the beach until together we found my aunt,
uncle and cousins. I remember the worried look they had on their faces. My aunt
looked like she was weeping. They told my mother the story and from that day on
my mother's protectiveness became worse. I don't blame her at all. Thanks to
that experience today I avoid beaches at all cost. When I do go I stay at the
shore and enjoy the waves. Also because of this experience I don't let my own
children go anywhere if my husband or I aren't there. I've also enrolled my son
in swimming classes. This is an example of operant conditioning. Due to the
consequence of almost drowning I developed a fear of deep waters.
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Free Will:
I always wanted to be a court reporter. I decided that when I was 17 years old and looked into it after the recommendation of a friend. Even though this was my dream I decided to use my free will and put my dream on hold to leave with my husband for the Army. This is a decision that I've never regretted.
As much as my husband and I loved being together and completely on our own. We hated Oklahoma! But it was our duty station and unless the Army or our President told us to move we were stuck there.
It was my FREE WILL to leave with my husband but the army DETERMINED where we lived and for how long.
I always wanted to be a court reporter. I decided that when I was 17 years old and looked into it after the recommendation of a friend. Even though this was my dream I decided to use my free will and put my dream on hold to leave with my husband for the Army. This is a decision that I've never regretted.
As much as my husband and I loved being together and completely on our own. We hated Oklahoma! But it was our duty station and unless the Army or our President told us to move we were stuck there.
It was my FREE WILL to leave with my husband but the army DETERMINED where we lived and for how long.
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Proposed Experiment
Proposed Experiment
of Interest: Does the climate play a role in a
person's mood?
Waking up to a cloudy or rainy day may make you feel more
tired and groggier than waking up to a beautiful sunny day.
Research: I would observe the people I live with and record their
mood and the weather. Then I'd do a chart and record my data.
thoughts: From my personal experiences I do believe that climate has a
lot of influence on an individual's mood. Sun exposure promotes the production
of Vitamin D and Vitamin D promotes Serotonin which helps to elevate and
regulate an individual's mood. This makes people want to go outdoors and do
activities when it's sunny outside than when it's cloudy or rainy.