Andrea Perfetti

Fallacy-a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument

False authority- using a non-expert’s opinion on a subject to sell a product or idea.
I always second guess a product whenever a celebrity endorses it. Most of the time I question whether or not they really use the product they are trying to sell.  I’m sure half the time they really don’t and are just doing it for the money.  A lot of times the celebrity is used unknowingly to endorse products. I try to not let these things influence me, although I will admit I have purchased some things that were collaborated with celebrities because I legitimately felt that they were good products.
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Google Effect-the tendency to forget information that can be easily found online.
Lately I noticed I’m looking up more and more things online instead of trying to remember it myself. Spelling words is a huge thing I have started doing; instead of spelling out a word if I’m not sure of it, I’ll just google it instead. I used to be a pretty good speller but I think this has actually made things worse.

 Tip of the tongue-when you are able to recall parts of an item, or related information, but are frustratingly unable to recall the whole item.
This happens to me a lot when I’m talking to someone about a movie or the particular name of an actor and I can’t think of the actors name. It really bothers me.  I always remember whatever it was at the most random time, it will just come to me.

Cryptomnesia-a form of misattribution where a memory is mistaken for imagination, because there is no subjective experience of it being a memory.   
This will happen to me sometimes if I had a dream that I don’t recall until awhile after I had the dream, and then I can’t remember if it was a dream or if it actually happened, like a blurred memory.

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Nature Vs. Nuture

I had analyzed the case of Joshua Earl Patrick Phillips who at the age of 14 had murdered 8 year old Maddie Clifton.  He had been playing baseball with her and accidentally hit her in the eye with the ball causing her to bleed and scream.  He panicked and brought her into his home and strangled her with a telephone cord, hit her with the baseball bat, and stabbed her 11 times.  He hid her body in the base of his waterbed, and his mother found her body approximately a week later when she was cleaning his room.

He claimed that he did this because of his fear of his abusive father, who would have been extremely angry at the incident.  

He was sentenced to life with no parole. He had broken down into tears and said if he could take it back he would.

I believe that while Josh was at the age to know the difference between right and wrong, he was so afraid of his fathers’ abuse that he panicked and did not think clearly. He was clearly lacking the nurturing and guidance of his parents, especially his father, that he would not act in a normal way and just go and get help when she got hurt.  The consequences in his mind were far too great, that he felt this was the only option.  

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Observational Learning- also known as social learning is a type of learning most associated with the work and social learning theory of psychologist Albert Bandura. 

When I was a little girl I always wanted to dress like an adult and wear makeup, my mother would let me do this in the house for fun but not go out like that because I was only five or six.  The makeup I would put on back then was messy and looked funny. When I got into my early teens I learned how to put on makeup properly by watching my mom do it. Even to this day when I’m not sure how to do a certain look you can always find a video on YouTube to watch that will show you ways to do it.

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I had a dream Wednesday night that I was walking through the city and looked up at the buildings (which were way higher than they are in reality) and saw men jumping off of them. Obviously this was really upsetting to me and when I woke up I was almost in tears. I have never had this dream before and am not sure what would cause me to dream about that. The main thing I can remember about it was all the men were in business suits and the buildings looked like they were a mile high or more.

The manifest content of my dream could be from watching a show about 9/11 when people were actually jumping out of the twin towers, but I watched that a very long time ago. I think I dreamed about it because watching that was extremely upsetting to me and maybe walking past the new world trade tower everyday from the train to school subconsciously I was thinking about it.

The latent content of my dream is that when you dream of death it can symbolize change and new beginnings. Also, it can be a symbol of letting go or fears that I may have.  

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Part I

Take a glass with anything in it, and fill it halfway, many people perceive this glass as two completely differently things.  They say optimists will view it as half full, and pessimists will view it as half empty.  Either way the glass has the same amount of stuff in it.  It’s how we perceive it that makes it different.  People who view the glass as half full are generally thought to be happier, more positive people. People who view it as half empty are thought to be more negative.  The way we perceive things can change depending on what’s going on in our lives at that moment.

Part II

When I was younger it never bothered me to go on boats, I would wonder why people would get “sea sick” and be thankful that I wasn’t one of them.  About 7 years ago in the Virgin Islands I went parasailing and noticed that I felt extremely nauseous while I was on the boat, I thought it was maybe because I had too much to drink the night before.  It wasn’t that though, I now get sick every time I go on a boat. I don’t know if it’s  because I have it stuck in my head now that I’m going to feel nauseous before I get on the boat so it’s more of a mind over matter thing, or if the boat is actually  making me feel sick.  My perception of boats now is to think of being “sea sick”.

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Exercising free will hardly exists, the closest thing to free will that we have is usually when we have choices between more than one thing; example:  do we want Dunkin donuts or Starbucks for our morning coffee? Do we want fudge brownie or cookie dough ice cream?  We have choices from what is available to us but this does not mean that we are exercising free will we are simply making choices; a lot of times between two different things that we don’t even really want either of. 

For example, if I could choose free will it would be to not do any school assignments and probably skip class a lot more to be able to sleep in and enjoy my day. But, if I did this I would feel guilty and probably not end up getting the education I need to succeed in what I need to do to make money and support my lifestyle.  So maybe when I do things I don’t really want to do in a way I still do have free will because I am choosing to do these things to better myself to be able to live the life I want to live.  If everyone sat around and did nothing or exercised free will there would be a whole lot of nothing going on, technically giving us even LESS choices.  Hmmm…

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Experimental Proposal

Question of Interest:  Will children who are raised in homosexual households have a higher chance of ending up homosexual vs. children who are brought up in heterosexual households?
Hypothesis:   No, children who are raised by same sex couples do not have more or less of a chance of being homosexual or heterosexual more than children raised in heterosexual families.

Longitudinal Research - Case Studies:  Follow six different families throughout the course of childhood to adulthood. 
Experimental Group:  Three different same sex couples raising children.

Control Group:   Three different straight couples raising children. 

Observational Research:  Children who are raised in loving, stable households in general usually do better; regardless of the parents sexual orientation.

Conclusion-  *Studies show that between 1 and 9 million children in the United States have at least one parent who is lesbian or gay.  Most research shows that they did not differ from other children in terms of emotional functioning, sexual orientation, stigmatization, gender role behavior, behavioral adjustment, gender identity, or learning and grade point averages.

Below are two short videos for further research: