Scarlet Meltzer


The human brain receives information, this information is stored as a “permanent record” better known as a memory.

Childhood Amnesia: When you try to recall a memory from your early years of life, why can’t you seem to remember anything? It almost feels like everything was just black. You know you were alive, but when you try to tap into your minds permanent records, you just can’t seem to find anything. Ever had someone come up to you, and ask you, “Do you remember me? I used to come see you when you were a baby.” After the awkward blank stare, you then respond with no. Well, now you can say, “hey lady, I had childhood amnesia, of course, I don’t remember you.”
Google Effect: Nowadays, any time I have a question, or cannot recall how to spell a certain word, I just google it. I don’t try to exercise my brain and really think about the question or spelling, I just google it. This day in age, there is really no need to remember certain information because we can just utilize the internet. The question is now, is this necessarily a good thing? Is our dependency on the internet healthy or is our future generations doomed?
Cryptomnesia: Remember the time you had a dream that felt so real, and later on you discover it didn’t really happen. You talk about it with all your friends, yet you’re the only one who remembered this so called memory. Awkward. Remember the time you had déjà vu? You felt like you have been in this particular situation before, your mind is telling you, you have. But have you? Without the confirmation from a friend or family member, how would you have figured out that, that particular moment has, or has not happened before? How would you have figured out if the dream was actually a memory, or just a dream? Trippy huh?

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Assignment 6

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Assignment 5

“Observational learning is a type of learning in which a person learns new information and behaviors by observing the behaviors of others.” Back in February I began working at New York Sports Club. Being a new hire, of course, you must train with a current experienced employee. During the training process you must observe everything the employee does in order to learn a skill. Afterwords, repeat the same actions. You repeat these actions several times until you have then learned the skill. This is a perfect example of observational learning. Watching someone practice a skill until you have learned to do the skill yourself all through visualization, as well as repetitive action.
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CONSCIOUSNESS: Analyzing Dreams

Private Dream

Read more HERE.
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Sensation and Perception

Perception is how one may perceive or view things.
It is the act of apprehending by means of sense or of the mind.

For many years tattoos have been viewed in a negative way. That man standing over there is bad because his arms are covered in tattoos. That woman with the tattoo on her lower back is a whore, just because of the placement of her tattoo.  In all reality that man could be the nicest man you have ever met in your entire life, but because he had tattoos all across his arms you perceived him to be a bad man. In all reality the woman with the tattoo on her lower back could have never had sex in her entire life, but because of the placement of her tattoo she is perceived to have a bad reputation. 

Growing up my grandmother had a pretty powerful influence on my perception of tattoos. She always viewed people with tattoos as bad people. Meanwhile her son, my father is completely covered in them. Every time he came home with a new one she would give him a ten hour long speech about the devil and how that ink is poison. Eventually as I began to progress in life my perception on tattoos have changed. I don’t believe someone should be defined as a person because of the art they have put on their body. Tattoos are a way to express who you are. 

Read more HERE.
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The definition of free will is different in the eyes of each human being. Depending on culture and religion, each person has a different view on the subject. Some don’t even have the opportunity to exercise their free will. Free will is being able to run around the block naked 4 times just because you want to, even though society says its unacceptable behavior.  Will you get arrested?  Maybe, if you get caught. That is where determinism comes into play. The fear of being arrested and the fear of police keep people from running around the streets naked. Therefore keeps the people from fully exercising their free will.

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Experiment Proposal

Question of Interest: Can a parent’s mental disorder have any physiological influence on their offspring? 

Hypothesis: A parent’s mental disorder can have a great impact on their child’s behavior.

Operational Definition: Mental disorder meaning bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Posttraumatic stress disorder, etc.  

Experimental Group: Analyze 4 separate families. One parent in each family must suffer from a mental disorder. Each family must have at least one child. Observe child from ages 2-5.

Control Group: Analyze 4 separate families. Each parent must be completely mentally stable. Each family must have at least one child. Observe child from ages 2-5.

Experimenter's thoughts: In some cases the offspring may be able to lead a normal life. Majority of the time, the upbringing in a household with an unstable parent can have a negative influence on the child.