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ASSIGNMENT VII - HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Nature and nurture both play a major role in human development.
mechanisms have a bad connotation, but I believe that in some cases they can be
helpful in reducing tension between the "ID" and the"EGO"
thus reducing anxiety. .
can be defined as when one takes their emotions and works them out in a
constructive activity. I tried this out on my nephew when he was having a
tantrum. I gave him a piece of paper and crayons and told him to take out all
his frustrations on the paper. He got so caught up in the coloring that he
forgot why he was even upset.
example of sublimation is doing a physical activity like playing basketball or
running on the treadmill. I find this very helpful after a long day day to get
out my frustrations in a healthy manner.
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A FALLACY is a mistaken belief based on unsound and illogical arguments. Being familiar with the different fallacies can help us tune into peoples' arguments and be able to distinguish when their argument is illogical and unsound and let them know that what they are saying is actually a fallacy and let them know why (making us sound smart too, so it's a win/win situation!)
Examples that I frequently come across is when discussing the Arab/Israel conflict. A popular one is the APPEAL TO POPULAR OPINION fallacy. Because of all the propaganda on the news and social media, either side, without knowing the facts themselves would state something like "well, I saw on facebook that..." or "my Mom, who is always right, said so and so." Both of these examples are fallacies because they are not proving anything itself, just spitting back popular opinion.
Another fallacy would be ASSOCIATION fallacy. "My landlord who is Jewish ripped me off on the rent, therefor all Jews are criminals" or FALSE CONCLUSION fallacy: "All Arabs I know are Anti-Israel, therefore all Arabs are Anti-Israel."
Read more HERE
ASSIGNMENT VII - HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Nature and nurture both play a major role in human development.
When reading the articles of children who were murderers by such a young age, such as Eric Smith who murdered a four year old at the young age of thirteen, my first reaction was that these children were born psychopaths and nature played a sole role in who they turned out to be. However, upon learning,for example, that Eric was "often tormented by bullies for his protruding low-set ears, thick glasses and red hair," I believe that nature, the environment he was brought up in, also played a role in him becoming a killer.
Whatever the case is, There has to be help readily accessible for these children before and not after a crime is committed.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _LEARNING: Operant Conditioning
When I was little I would
always run into the bath and forget to bring a towel with me. After the bath, I
was cold and wet and obviously needed a towel so I would call out to my sister
to bring me one and she would. Thus the tradition would continue day in and day
out. Until my older sister got fed up and decided one day to teach me a lesson
and refused to bring me a towel. Let’s just say after that I never forgot to
bring a towel to the bathroom ever again.
This way of learning is OPERANT CONDITIONING. “Operant behavior operates on the environment and
is maintained by its antecedents and consequences, while classical conditioning
is maintained by conditioning of reflexive (reflex)
behaviors, which are elicited by antecedent conditions. Behaviors conditioned
through a classical conditioning procedure are not maintained by consequences. They both, however, form the core of behavior analysis
and have grown into professional practices.
Operant conditions are simple to understand, after trial and error Learning is
achieved. A reward for overcoming an obstacle can give the inner motivation
needed to continue with success.” Because I hated that feeling of being
cold and wet and associated that with being unprepared, this consequence
reinforced the positive behavior of being prepared.
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CONSCIOUSNESS: analyzing dreams
I have always had a fascination
with dreams and love discussing them in the morning with friends and family. It
was interesting learning that there is both manifest and latent content in a
The other night I had a dream
that I left my machine on the train and jumped onto the back of the train.
I woke up sweating and out of breath. I believe I had this dream because of my
constant fear of something happening to my machine or transcripts during a job.
I push this fear to the back of my mind during the day but my subconscious
previews my fears to me at night.
Here is a story from the bible
about dreams that I loved as a kid:
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Sensation and Perception
How we see others will affect how they see themselves.
There was once a class of children with various behavioral problems. The principal would have a meeting before the beginning of each school year with the teacher and they would discuss each student and their background and behavioral issues. Each year the children's behavior did not seem to be improving, and many of the teachers would quit because they couldn't handle the kids.
The principal tried a different approach.
She assigned a new teacher to this class and this time told the teacher this class is gifted and went through the children and told her all their positive points.
The class flourished. Their grades went up to A's, they all improved drastically.The principal realized that because the teacher saw the students as gifted and smart, she treated them that way, therefore the students behaved how they were treated.
The principal tried a different approach.
She assigned a new teacher to this class and this time told the teacher this class is gifted and went through the children and told her all their positive points.
The class flourished. Their grades went up to A's, they all improved drastically.The principal realized that because the teacher saw the students as gifted and smart, she treated them that way, therefore the students behaved how they were treated.
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We all have a choice in life to either act or be acted upon.
We can chose to let our environment and our background determine who we are going to be or make the decision to take control of our lives and transform our situation.
Oprah Winfrey is an example of someone who used her freewill to change her life. Although she was born into a horrible situation, where she was abused by her own family, she, against all odds, became the successful woman that she is.
Every time you are about to act you should make the conscious effort to use your will to make the right decision and not let your natural instinct determine who you are going to be.
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Experiment Proposal
Hypothesis: Practicing steno in excess does not affect the rate at which a student will progress in speed.
Operational definition: What does “in excess” mean to us? Over an hour of practice outside of class.
What does it mean “speed”? The amount of words per minute you can write using the stenotype.
Population of interest: Students from all different backgrounds and education levels studying stenography.
Control group: will practice less than an hour a day.
Experimental group: will practice three hours a day.
The dangers of studying too hard