Linda Snipes

Defense Mechanism

Regression- a reversion to immature patterns of behavior
we all know the saying age doesn't equal wisdom, and that would be the case for some of the people I have encountered at various work places. I have seen grown men and women resorts to temper tantrums when they couldn't get the maintenance worker to come quickly, when they had to help out a customer, when they couldn't get a result they were hoping for by doing things like throwing whatever was in their hand down, stomping away, yelling and slamming things. 

With people I think  that how it needs to be dealt with is to breathe know that sometimes things don't go our way situations can be out of our control that their are better ways to handle a situation than to act like a five year old. 

Displacement- diverting emotional feelings (usually anger) from their original source to substitute target.
As most of you know, I work in retail and I have unfortunately have had the pleasure of being at the end of this mechanism. I say hello and asked them how are they and they immediately snap at me saying hurry up I don't have all day, you're taking to long, its on-sale! it said it they have a cart full of food and want me to price check everything, and they were looking at the wrong item that they thought were on sale.

we have all done this but it isn't right to take your anger out on a person that had nothing to do with the reason your angry. if we can recognize that we are doing it, and stop it before it begins or it we can somehow are able to release that anger in a health way such as going into a room and screaming or just writing about it then burning it. its the first step to help yourself and those around you from your anger.

Thought, Language, and Intelligence

Red Herring- a speaker attempts to distract an audience by deviating from the topic at hand by introducing a separate argument the speaker believes is easier to speak to
example whenever I discuss throwing out any type of furniture out in the living room my mom starts talking about painting the bathroom a new color, right now its yellow. when this happens I now just repeat I'm going to throw everything out but by then she's watching TV, and doesn't hear me.

False authority-is using a non-expert's opinion on a subject to sell a product or idea.
example when seeing a celebrity talk about proactive and how it helped their skin, some of my friends used it and their skin either didn't improve or got worse. I just tell them it sounds like a "
you" problem, try clean and clear.

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Memory Bias

Self-Serving Bias is perceiving oneself responsible for desirable outcomes but not responsible for undesirable ones. For example, a student fails a course but instead of looking at the internal issues that contributed to failing, the student would probably say the teacher didn't know how to teach instead of taking their own responsibility in their role of getting that F.Such as not practicing or studying enough.

Next in line effect is that a person in group has diminished recall for the words of others who spoke immediately before or after this person. For example, you're at a party and the people there are sharing information about themselves, you probably wouldn't remember what the person said before you because your thinking of your own response. even after you've tried to impress these group of people you wouldn't remember what the next person says because you're revaluing what you had said.

Cryptomnesia is a form of misattribution where a memory is mistaken for imagination, because there is no subjective experience of it being a memory. For example a writing is writing a novel and it gets publish but is later sued for plagiarism when the author unknowingly subconsciously rewrote what he has read in a story several years before believing it was an original thought.

Suggestibility is a form of misattribution where ideas suggested by a questioner are mistaken for memory. like when Selena was murdered in 1995 at the age of 23 her killer didn't mention it was an accident until an officer had suggested to her that maybe it was an accident and that guns just "goes off". ever since then she has been claiming it had been an accident. 

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DEVELOPMENT: Nature vs Nurture

The article I'm going to analyze in my case is "child prostitute" by Malika Saada Saar. In the article talks about various young girls who were either runaways, kidnapped or abused children of the foster care system, how they are forced into sex trafficking through pimps or sex traffickers. Then they're eventually caught arrested and put into juvenile justice system by our failed system, when their perpetrators are walking the streets free.

the nature part would be that from the beginning the (some of) the children environment was unhealthy and unsafe as in the cases of the foster care children, most of the places their put into the foster parents only see them as walking dollars signs and know that no one cares about them. 

The nurture part is that also with their nature (some of) the children weren't afforded the proper care and love by their love ones, to only be taken away and put into a system that can equally follow the pattern, only to be treated as a criminal. 

This is not just an international problem its also a domestic one, right here in the good old USA where thousands a children both male and female children are being exploited for sex. There are more animal shelters than there are shelters for these abused children. The government and politicians are lumping prostitution and sex trafficking in the same boat while deciding how to "protect" these people (women mostly), but they aren't the same. Thankfully their are organizations who are trying their best to globally help sex trafficking victims but they need everyone's help.

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Observational Learning is a process in which learning occurs
through observing and imitating others.

One experience that immediately came to mind when thinking about the different forms of LEARNING was when I was in the 5th grade. I had wanted to learn to play an instrument, the guitar, but it wasn't available and I had noticed one of my classmates had a clarinet. I thought it looked simple enough so I joined the band and picked the clarinet. During the first year of "playing" was basically me holding it, not knowing how to play, asking band mates how do you clean this? How do you take it apart? What’s a reed? And why is this reed always breaking? I never got those answers. When the end of the year came around and we had to be tested on how much skill we had learned, my 5th grade teacher realized I didn't know how to play it. She told the band instructor, who told one of my band mates to show the fingering, but all they showed me was the back of the book and pointed "here it's right there, duh". 

Fast forward to junior high and to much of my dismay, the assistant principal saw I took band and placed me in the class. The band teacher was more positive and clearly you knew he had a love for music. He would play the song we had to play on piano and then have us play it; this is where I was able to mimic the sound. Since I now knew where the fingering and the notes were, I was able to keep up and it actually sounded like music! I did this throughout the rest of my school years, waiting for the teacher to play it or listened to the other students play to get how it was supposed to sound. Hand me the music without this I wouldn't be able to play it. Still I grew to love the clarinet and still hope to one day own one.

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Dream Analysis: I had this dream where I'm back in middle school - manifest content - it's dark, late and the school seems to be closed. I start walking through the halls looking through classrooms. I begin to start running when I noticed that I'm being followed. I go up a staircase through double doors when it changes to my high school. I bypassed the classrooms until I noticed the figure had caught up with me, I then try any and all doors I could find. But all the classrooms were locked, ran back down some stairs only to be outside of what looked like my elementary school yard. I hid to the side hoping not to be seen.

Latent content: it means a feeling of being trapped, nowhere to go, as for the figure thing - I never let it catch up to see who or what it was.

Psychologists from the cognitive perspective believe that dreams provide important information, help us make needed changes in our life and even suggest solutions to real-life problems. I agree with this perspective. But the problem with it is you have to be able to remember your dream and try to figure it out as best as you could. I've been interested in the subject and researched this for years; some dreams I can figure out what my subconscious is telling me, while sometimes I cannot. I believe that dreams can provide insight into self understanding if you take the time to listen and be patient with yourself. 

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Perception: the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the mind and understanding.

What makes a person beautiful? Well some would say their smile, hair, beauty or maybe their personality. But what truly makes a person beautiful?  From the time we are born most of us are told that we are beautiful but as we grow up we notice the differences between our peers and begin a cycle of comparison that never truly leaves us even when we die. To say that person is beautiful or has beauty what does it mean? 
Outer beauty and inner beauty are two different things but what makes outer beauty more valuable than the other? Is it something that we are taught?

The perception that one has beauty while the other doesn't truly depends on culture, time period and of course our own perception of what we think is beauty. Throughout history men and women have been subjected to certain types of what society perceives as beauty and it is forever changing from decade to decade. 

What I perceive as beautiful the next person might not, what makes a person beautiful, in my opinion is their personality but others obviously think differently. Beauty has many shapes and forms, at the end of the day it's you who makes up what you believe or your perception of what is beautiful.

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Determinism - that all behavior is caused by proceeding factors and is predictable

Freewill - the idea we have some choice in how we act and are free to choose our behavior; self determined behavior isn't random.

Humans have always felt the need to conform to whatever is accepted at the time as the right way, step out of that inform there must be a serious reason why you're not conforming to the norm. Take marriage, yes it can be a beautiful thing when your with someone you deeply care about and respect, but I feel that there is pressure on both males and females to get married especially if you have been with your partner a long time. 

My stand on it as of right now, I wouldn't want to, maybe if I moved out and lived on my own for a while then I might reconsider but I would like to have my own and marriage you're sharing. I've seen personally marriages work and some that clearly didn't. Maybe when humans finally come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as "the right way”, we're all different and if you aren't hurting anything then it be. What works for some else isn't always going to work for you. So I guess we're a little in the gray area, a little bit of both determinism sprinkled with freewill. 
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Experiment Proposal

Question of Interest: Can fruit juice be harmful to the body?
Hypothesis: Juice is healthier than soda but actually juice is just as bad for you.
Operational definition: What is fruit juice and what does it to the body. What do we mean by harmful? What do we mean by healthier? What do we mean by bad for you?
Case Studies will be conducted of persons who drink fruit juice and persons who don’t.

Fruit juice is just as bad as sodaFruit juice as junk food
Juice in fact contains as much sugar as soda. The body quickly absorbs the juice and drinking too much the body makes fatter and/or makes the body unable to use insulin, giving you high blood sugar. Unlike if you were to eat a piece of fruit, the body would've to take its time absorbing it. They suggest that if you are going to drink juice try to dilute it with water or drink very little of it. Also just because the label reads 100% juice doesn't mean it’s more healthy than regular juice.